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Generate the Message Body
Encode the message body (payload) using URL safe Base64 encryption. At a minimum, the body
should include these fields:
Message Body Field | Description |
digest | A base64 encoded SHA-256 has of the claim set. |
digestAlgorithm | Algorithm used to sign the JWT. |
iat | Time the JWT was issued. |
Follow these steps to generate the hash:
- Generate the SHA-256 hash of the JSON payload (body of the message).
- Encode the hashed string to Base64.
- Add the message body hash to thedigestheader field.
- Add the hash algorithm used to thedigestAlgorithmheader field.
Encrypted Message Body
Line break added for readability.
digest: eyJkaWdlc3QiOiJSQk52bzFXelo0b1JScTBXOStoa25wVDdUOElmNTM2REVNQmc5aHlxLzRvPSIsImRpZ 2VzdEFsZ29yaXRobSI6IlNIQS0yNTYiLCJpYXQiOiIyMDI0LTA0LTA1VDE2OjI1OjE4LjI1OVoifQ
Encrypting Message Body Using Python
Generate the SHA-256 hash using the
tool. Line break on line
three added for readability.import base64 data = b'{"digest":"RBNvo1WzZ4oRRq0W9+hknpT7T8If536DEMBg9hyq/4o=","digestAlgorithm":"SHA-256", "iat":"2024-04-05T16:25:18.259Z"}' encode = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data) stripped = encode.decode('ascii').strip('=') print(stripped)