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Authorization Reversals
This section provides the information you need in order to process an authorization reversal.
Reversing an authorization releases the hold on the customer’s payment card funds that the
issuing bank placed when processing the authorization.
Supported Card Types
All supported card types can process reversals.
/reversalsThe is the transaction ID returned in the
authorization response.
Required Fields for Processing an Authorization Reversal
- clientReferenceInformation.code
- clientReferenceInformation.partner.thirdPartyCertificationNumber
- National Australia Bankprovides the value for this field.
- id
- Set theidURL parameter to the transaction ID that was included in the authorization response message.
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- reversalInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- The amount of the reversal must be the same as the authorization amount that was included in the authorization response message. Do not use the amount that was requested in the authorization request message.
REST Example: Processing an Authorization Reversal
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "test123" } "orderInformation" : { "amountDetails" : { "currency" : "USD" } }, "reversalInformation" : { "amountDetails" : { "totalAmount" : "100.00" } } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links" : { "self" : { "method" : "GET", "href" : "/pts/v2/reversals/6869460219566537303955" } }, "clientReferenceInformation" : { "code" : "RTS-Auth-Reversal" }, "id" : "6869460219566537303955", "orderInformation" : { "amountDetails" : { "currency" : "USD" } }, "processorInformation" : { "responseCode" : "200" }, "reconciliationId" : "82kBK3qDNtls", "reversalAmountDetails" : { "reversedAmount" : "100.00", "currency" : "USD" }, "status" : "REVERSED", "submitTimeUtc" : "2023-06-16T20:07:02Z" }