REST API | Visa Platform Connect

Formatting Payment Blobs

This section is only applicable if you are using the
National Australia Bank
decryption method.
To prepare the google payload for submission to
National Australia Bank
, you must extract the token data element from the Google Pay payload and encode the token data element using Base64.
These samples can be used to Base64-encode payment responses:


let token = paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationDta.token; console.log(token); var enc=window.btoa(token);

Android with Java

This sample uses the Android Studio Base64 utility.
public static <outputString> encodeToString (byte[] <inputToken>, int DEFAULT)

Apple iPhone with Swift 3

This sample requires the Foundation utility.
extension String { func base64Encoded() -> <outputString> if let data = self.dat(using:.utf8) { return data.base64EncodedString() } return nil }